The Birthday Party.

The Birthday Party.


In a few short weeks, I will stop showering, spend a fortune on tablecloths, and end up in tears after constructing a far-too-complicated piñata that won’t break open. Obviously, this can only mean one thing. Manon is turning nine. Birthday parties are funny. All a kid wants is a hot dog and a water gun, but I’ll kill myself by dreaming up ridiculous activities like “grow your own succulent garden” and nobody is impressed.

I’m praying that all of my beautiful details will come together for Manon’s last single digit party. I think I’m going to FORCE her to remember them by making a giant scrapbook of all of the amazing things I’ve created over the years – marble nests, personalized gift tags, and of course macaron trees. This was the one I made for her birthday last year, and granted, there was some Pinot Grigio involved, but that’s the kind of handiwork only yours truly can pull off.

What do you think, loves?

  1. Evangeline said...

    You forgot the bouncy house that injures twelve kids a minute. Fun.

    March 6, 2014 at 1:46 pm
  2. Linda said...

    I would suggest Ryan Gosling for your next party…..doing magic tricks.

    April 7, 2014 at 9:16 pm
